group muscle origin insertion action
arm biceps brachii coracoid process, supraglenoid tuberosity scapula radial tuberosity flex elbow; supinate forearm
arm brachialis anterior distal humerus coronoid process of ulna flex elbow
arm brachioradialis lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus styloid process of radius flex elbow
arm coracobrachialis coracoid process medial mid-humerus flex, adduct shoulder
arm deltoid clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula deltoid tuberosity abduct, extend, or flex shoulder
arm triceps brachii infraglenoid tuberosity of scapula; lateral & medial surface posterior humerus olecranon extend elbow
arm anconeus lateral epicondyle of humerus olecranon extend elbow
arm pronator teres medial epicondyle of humerus; coronoid process of ulna lateral radius pronate forearm
arm supinator supinator crest of ulna lateral radius supinate forearm
foot abductor digiti minimi (foot) calcaneus proximal phalanx of digit V abduct digit V
foot abductor hallucis calcaneus proximal phalanx of digit I abduct big toe
foot extensor digitorum longus proximolateral fibula phalanges of digits II-V extend tarsal digits II-V, dorsiflex foot
foot extensor hallucis longus anterior fibula distal phalanx of digit I extend big toe
foot flexor digitorum longus middle posterior tibia distal phalanges of digits II-V flex digits II-V
foot flexor hallucis longus middle posterior fibula distal phalanx of digit I flex big toe
foot gastrocnemius both condyles of femur posterior calcaneus plantarflex foot, flex knee
foot peroneus brevis distal fibula metatarsal V plantarflex, evert foot
foot peroneus longus lateral fibula cuneiform II, metatarsal I plantarflex foot, evert foot; maintain arch of foot
foot plantaris lateral condyle of femur calcaneus plantarflex foot
foot popliteus lateral epicondyle of femur posterior, proximal tibia flex, medially rotate knee
foot soleus posterior fibula & tibia calcaneus plantarflex foot
foot tibialis anterior proximolateral tibia metatarsal I, cuneiform II dorsiflex ankle; invert foot
foot tibialis posterior proximal posterior tibia, fibula navicular, cuneiform, metatarsals II-IV plantarflex, invert foot
hand abductor digiti minimi (hand) pisiform proximal phalanx of digit V abduct pinky
hand abductor pollicis brevis scaphoid, trapezium base of proximal phalanx of digit I abduct thumb
hand abductor pollicis longus posterior mid-radius & ulna base of metacarpal I abduct thumb
hand extensor carpi radialis brevis lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus third metacarpal extend, abduct wrist
hand extensor carpi radialis longus lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus second metacarpal extend, abduct wrist
hand extensor carpi ulnaris lateral epicondyle of humerus base of fifth metacarpal extend, adduct wrist
hand extensor digiti minimi lateral epicondyle of humerus phalanx of digit V extend digit V
hand extensor digitorum lateral epicondyle of humerus phalanges of digits II-V extend carpal digits II-V
hand extensor indicis distal ulna tendon of extensor digitorum extend digit II
hand extensor pollicis brevis distal radius proximal phalanx of digit I extend thumb, abduct hand
hand extensor pollicis longus mid-ulna, lateral side distal phalanx of digit I extend thumb, abduct hand
hand flexor carpi radialis medial epicondyle of humerus metacarpals II & III flex, abduct wrist
hand flexor carpi ulnaris medial epicondyle of humerus pisiform flex, adduct wrist
hand flexor digitorum profundus shaft of ulna distal phalanges of digits II-V flex digits II-V
hand flexor digitorum superficialis medial epicondyle of humerus; shaft of ulna middle phalanges of digits II-V flex digits II-V
hand palmaris longus medial epicondyle of humerus palmar aponeurosis flex wrist
head buccinator maxilla & mandible orbicularis oris compress cheek
head frontalis galea aponeurotica skin of eyebrow elevate eyebrow
head masseter zygomatic arch ramus of mandible elevate mandible
head oblique capitis inferior SP of C2 TP of C1 rotate head
head oblique capitis superior TP of C1 between nuchal lines of occiput extend neck at C1, tilt head
head occipitalis occipital bone, mastoid process galea aponeurotica move scalp backward
head platysma fascia of neck & chest mandible, mandibular fascia depress mandible
head rectus capitis posterior major SP of C2 nuchal line of occiput extend neck at C1; rotate head
head rectus capitis posterior minor posterior arch of C1 nuchal line of occiput extend neck at C1
head sternocleidomastoid manubrium, medial clavicle mastoid process rotate head; flex neck
head temporalis temporal fossa coronoid process of mandible elevate, retract mandible
hip adductor brevis inferior ramus of pubis linea aspera adduct, flex, laterally rotate hip
hip adductor longus pubis linea aspera adduct, flex, laterally rotate hip
hip adductor magnus inferior ramus of pubis; ischial tuberosity linea aspera, medial epicondyle femur adduct, flex, laterally rotate hip
hip gluteus maximus medial iliac crest, sacrum IT band, gluteal tuberosity femur extend, laterally rotate hip
hip gluteus medius upper lateral ilium greater trochanter abduct, medially rotate hip
hip gluteus minimus lower lateral ilium greater trochanter abduct hip
hip gracilis inferior ramus of pubis proximomedial shaft of tibia adduct thigh; flex, rotate leg at knee
hip iliacus iliac fossa lesser trochanter flex, laterally rotate thigh; flex lumbar spine
hip pectineus superior ramus of pubis lesser trochanter adduct, flex thigh
hip piriformis anterior sacrum greater trochanter laterally rotate hip
hip psoas major L1-L5 lesser trochanter flex, laterally rotate hip; flex lumbar spine
hip psoas minor L1 pubis extend, laterally rotate hip; extend lumbar spine
hip tensor fasciae latae anterior border of ilium, iliac crest IT band abduct hip; flex hip
knee biceps femoris ischial tuberosity; linea aspera head of fibula flex knee; extend, laterally rotate hip
knee iliotibial band gluteal fascia, iliac crest tibial tubercle abduct hip; flex hip
knee sartorius ASIS proximomedial tibia flex knee & hip; laterally rotate hip medially rotate knee
knee semimembranosus ischial tuberosity medial condyle of tibia flex knee; extend, medially rotate thigh
knee semitendinosus ischial tuberosity proximomedial shaft of tibia flex knee; extend, medially rotate thigh
knee rectus femoris ASIS patellar tendon extend knee; flex hip
knee vastus intermedius anterior, lateral femur patellar tendon extend knee
knee vastus lateralis lateral linea aspera patellar tendon extend knee
knee vastus medialis medial linea aspera patellar tendon extend knee
neck iliocostalis cervicis ribs 3-6 TPs of C4-C7 extend cervical spine
neck longissimus capitis TPs of T1-T5 mastoid process temporal bone extend neck; rotate head
neck longissimus cervicis TPs of T1-T5 TPs of C2-C7 extend cervical spine; laterally flex neck
neck semispinalis capitis TPs of C7-T7 occiput; SPs of C2-C7 extend neck
neck semispinalis cervicis TPs of T1-T6 SPs of C2-C5 extend cervical spine
neck spinalis cervicis SP of C7, ligamentum nuchae SPs of C2-C7 extend cervical spine
neck splenius capitis SPs C7-T3; ligamentum nuchae mastoid process temporal bone rotate head; flex neck
neck splenius cervicis SPs T3-T6 TPs C2-C4 rotate head; flex neck
thorax   infraspinatus infraspinous fossa greater tubercle of humerus laterally rotate shoulder
thorax   latissimus dorsi SPs of T7-L5, iliac crest lesser tubercle of humerus extend, adduct, medially rotate shoulder
thorax   levator scapula TPs of C1-C4 medial border, superior angle of scapula elevate scapula; laterally flex neck
thorax   pectoralis major clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6 greater tubercle of humerus adduct, medially rotate shoulder
thorax   pectoralis minor ribs 3-5 coracoid process of scapula depress, abduct scapula
thorax   rhomboid major SPs of T2-T5 medial border of scapula elevate, adduct scapula
thorax   rhomboid minor SPs of C7-T1 medial border of scapula elevate, adduct scapula
thorax   serratus anterior ribs 1-8 anterior medial border of scapula depress, abduct scapula
thorax   subscapularis subscapular fossa lesser tubercle of humerus medially rotate shoulder
thorax   supraspinatus supraspinous fossa greater tubercle of humerus abduct shoulder
thorax   teres major inferior angle, lateral border of scapula lesser tubercle of humerus extend shoulder; medially rotate shoulder
thorax   teres minor axillary border of scapula greater tubercle of humerus laterally rotate shoulder
thorax   trapezius occiput, ligamentum nuchae, SPs of C7-T12 clavicle, spine of scapula, acromion elevate, depress scapula; extend neck; stabilize shoulder
thorax   external intercostals ribs ribs raise thorax; inhalation
thorax   external oblique ribs 5-12 iliac crest, linea alba compress abdomen, depress thorax; rotate thorax  
thorax   iliocostalis lumborum iliac crest, sacrum ribs 7-12 extend lumbar spine
thorax   iliocostalis thoracis ribs 7-12 ribs 1-6 extend thoracic spine
thorax   internal intercostals ribs ribs lower thorax; exhalation
thorax   internal oblique lateral iliac crest, inguinal ligament linea alba, cartilage of ribs 10-12 compress abdomen; rotate thorax
thorax   longissimus thoracis TPs of L1-L5 TPs of T1-T12 & ribs 4-12 extend thoracic spine
thorax   quadratus lumborum iliac crest rib 12, TPs of L1-L4 tilt pelvis, extend lumbar spine, laterally flex spine
thorax   rectus abdominis pubic crest cartilage of ribs 5-7, xiphoid process flex spine
thorax   semispinalis thoracis TPs of T6-T10 SPs of C6-T4 extend thoracic spine
thorax   spinalis thoracis SPs of T9-L3 SPs of T1-T8 extend thoracic spine
thorax   transverse abdominis iliac crest, inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia, cartilage of ribs 7-12 xiphoid process, linea alba, pubis compress abdomen